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So actually I'm just one guy. I've played a bunch of wargames over the years, done a load of mini painting, and worked as a concept artist and 3D modeler for TV. Later on I became a marketing exec, and this is my side hustle. Well, one of them.

So, welcome! The plan is for the rules, army lists, paper cutout models, 3D print files and some lore to be freely available to use and remix.

Things may or may not take off. If they do, the eventual business model will be based on premium cards, minis, lore and merchandise (but you'll still be able to print your own starter pack and the full rules for free). I don't intend to rip anyone off or become the next Elon Buffet based on this, but it would sure be nice to make it self sustaining.If you try the system out, please use the form to leave feedback - when things get moving there will be a discord and other socials. For now, have fun!

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